June 14, 2007

I can now be found here…….. 


June 13, 2007

Hey guys! IF you are wondering where I’ve been I would like to report I am ok.  I am in the process of revamping my wordpress blog. It will not longer be my personal webpage, but will used in the future for the music I am getting ready to put out for the world to hear. You can find my personal page at Hope you all come check it out! Peace and love! Cheers!

Sam Raimi… Stan Lee… what have you done?!

May 5, 2007


*Disclaimer: I’m still a fan… of the comic…

This post was birthed out of the 3 and 1 half hours I spent watching a train wreck last night.

The beginning…

Wife was throwing a shower for our friend Laurel, so I had the night with Greg, RJ, Micah, Steph, Alison, Lance, and Abby. Started out by heading to decent pizza, first time, and it was great. I’ll definitely be making a visit there again… back to the story. Earlier that day I made the trek to AMC Theatres to pick up some tickets for a movie I had been looking forward to seeing for some time now… got ’em. Met peeps for dinner, then headed up to the mall. Met up with a few other people including my bud Lance and got into our designated line for entry into the theater.

We go in…

Let me also say that the first two Spidey movies were fantastic, although still pale in comparison to Batman Begins, I enjoyed them quite a lot. With that said, I was a little excited sitting in my chair as the commercials played onscreen.

The previews…

It started getting good here. There are just a large number of movies coming out this summer that  look entertaining.  Then, the all to famous  add asking everyone to politely  silence their phones, to which no one ever really seems to grasp hold of. Fade to black… and now the opening sequence to the movie… here we go!

What the….???!!!!

The next 3 1/2 hours I truly couldn’t believe what I was watching… the acting… bad, the story line… underdeveloped and un entertaining,  the  summation… this movie was really crappy and a total injustice to the franchise and the first two movies. I am in no way comic book fanatic, I was big into it a youngster, so I do know a good bit about certain comics. With that small amount of knowledge I also was upset by some of the changes in the story… man, oh man.

So yeah. Spiderman 3 was a bust, a bust of the worst kind. I would strongly urge any who read this to not go see it, but having seen the first two you probably will so I’ll just caution you to not get your hopes up. This was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen a good bit. It was mind-numbing and seemed as if it were thrown together just to get a product out there. The rest I will let you experience for yourselves.

Now I’m just hoping that DC takes their time with “The Dark Knight” and continues in what could develope into arguably the greatest franchise  of comic movies ever…


Evil Squirrels

May 4, 2007

Yet another reason for me to love Mr. Crowder… dude even lives in the house of the inventor of Dr. Pepper!


Stay Tuned

April 25, 2007

So as most of you have guessed, mainly by observing my blog, I haven’t posted a RE:WORSHIP in quite some time now. I would like to officially notify you that I will keep off my new “worship confessional” this summer… gimme a week or so more…

I want to take some more time and revamp it, while setting aside some time outta my day to do so. Trust that what is coming will be great. I’m excited to be back and blogging again. It’s nice to know I was missed. Hope you all are having a great week!



April 19, 2007

Just played my latest gig in Ohio… and yes, I am officially hooked on this game. I thought just playing on a real guitar was sweet… this is flippn’ amazing!


There’s is something about moving the coffee table, getting in my stance, and listening to the crowd begging you to rock them… So I do! Just got the game over the weekend, and no I haven’t gone crazy, but I do think I am becoming slightly addicted. Anyone in my area shoot me a line… I’m looking to get a group together to jam baby. I’m actually going to try and set up one of our church projectors and screens and have a “church” Guitar Hero II partaa!

“For those about to rock…”


April 18, 2007

I’m dedicating this post to one of my best buds Greg. I know he’s been wondering what keeps me outta the water… we’ll…

First, note the sheer size of the fish…


Note again the sheer siaze of the fish… and take a gander at the mouth!


This thing scares the bejezzus outta me!


So Greg, I hope this explains a bit about me and fishing.

Have any of you ever seen anything like this?!

Long time coming…

April 18, 2007

Well heeeellllllllloooooooo!!!!!

How the heck has everyone been? If any of you have missed me or wondered where the heck I’ve been, I am now officially back on the blog! My life has been busy the past month, so the week before Easter I decided to take a breather… and focus on being outside, writing more songs, being a little more active. Now, I’m not saying that won’t continue, but I am adding blogging back into my lifestyle. More to come, but I wanted to let you all know that I’m back and ok.



March 21, 2007


For all of you Crowder heads out there, there is reason to celebrate! The new CD will be dropping this year. Look for it in late September/early October. It is tentatively entitled “REMEDY”. I just got the new Hillsong United cd and now to hear that DCB is dropping a new CD is making my freaking week! Anyone else as excited as I am?!

“…Taste The Rainbow”

March 20, 2007

Ok, I have to say that my day has officially been made thanks in part to the Skittles Corporation. I don’t know who it is, but I’d love to meet the person who sits around and comes up with these. I’d also like to note that the singing bunny had me in tears… Enjoy!